Kaitlyn makes all of the Big Boys Cry :(

The Bachelorette Gossip, capitals regular font and verdana for %22gossip%22


Suzanne Coleman

So what happened on tonight’s episode of “The Bachelorette?”

I think that the most important thing that we see on tonight’s episode is that Kaitlyn has learned her lesson.  Sleeping with Nick, while clearly enjoyable for both of them, put her in an uncomfortable position with her other ongoing relationships.  She feels upset about that, and realizes that it wasn’t the best idea.  She realizes that it might compromise what she is building with the other men for the long-term.

Interestingly enough, though, it was an off-camera talk that she apparently had with Shawn that really caused her the most angst.  We learn from Shawn that she told him that he was pretty much “the one” for her.  Tonight she said that she did it in an attempt to make him feel less stressed out about the whole process.  She didn’t realize that he took her words so much to heart, and that put her in an awkward position.

She still has real feelings for the other guys and because of that she realized she shouldn’t have said that to Shawn.  So on tonight’s episode Kaitlyn tried to back-peddle her relationship with Shawn, slowing things down.   I’m not sure that it worked.  She wasn’t the clearest communicator but it seems like he got the message.  In the end, the whole thing really just made Shawn more stressed out than he already was!  Oh well, this is a great lesson for everyone.  Think about the impact of what you say and do before you say or do it.  You just might be saving yourself and others lots of upset if you do.

I think tonight also answered a lot of questions about Nick.  When Kaitlyn talked to him about keeping their private time private because she has been worried that the other guys will find out, he was upset because he is a classy guy and had no intentions of going around telling anyone about it.  His honest feelings came through when they were talking, as his eyes welled up with tears.  He had some difficultly speaking at times too.  He seems to be sincerely interested in a real relationship with her, and not a guy who just plays around.

So after delving into all of these intense relationship feelings, the show finally got around to a new date at the END of the show!  Boy, they’re really playing around with the show’s format this season.

It’s a one-on-one date and Kaitlyn flies Cupcake off over the ocean in a helicopter to some cool Irish cliffs where they have a romantic picnic lunch overlooking the expansive sea.  It was pretty awesome, until Kaitlyn opened up to Cupcake that it was over, she just wasn’t feeling it.  Like so many of us, she couldn’t move forward with someone, no matter how great he was, if the feelings just weren’t there for her.  So she let him go, crying because it was so hard for her.

She took off in her private helicopter, leaving him there with their picnic basket and blanket, and he breaks down sobbing.  Poor guy 😦  Then they suddenly show him standing at the very edge of the cliffs, um, YIKES!!  One of the crew members moves towards him as if they are going to grab him back, and just then he steps back away from the edge on his own.  Geez, too scary dude.  Good thing there wasn’t an updraft.  Always be safe.

Back to Bachelorette business.  We learn that for the rest of the season, there are going to be some big changes.  Chris Harrison tells Kaitlyn that next week she is supposed to have sex with three different men.  Oh wait, he didn’t exactly say that, did he?  Well, that’s how it came across for some reason…

So next week she will have “intimate time” with three of the guys, the other three will be gone before that.  Then out of the three remaining, she picks only two to go to their homes and meet their families.  It’s weird that they’re changing it up like that all of a sudden, I wonder why?

Also weird is that Chris Harrison suddenly returned to the show today.  Where has this dude been?  He looks healthy, so it’s probably not that he’s been sick, which is good.  I heard that he got divorced, so maybe it’s something to do with that.  At first I thought that they were going to replace him with someone else, maybe someone younger and hotter?  I guess we’ll see.

The other really weird thing is that Chris Harrison is shown telling Kaitlyn that she should tell the other guys about her having had sex with Nick.  At least this is what it seems he is saying.  No one would advise her to do that in their right mind!  That seems so strange.  I’ll bet that it’s not what he’s really trying to do, and they’re just editing it to look like that, because if he is, then that is SO FAKE.  🙂

I’ll end with this, the funniest part of tonight’s episode was actually the commercial for “Bachelor in Paradise.”  If you missed it, try and google it.  It shows Claire and a raccoon having a conversation; it totally made me laugh!  See you soon guys!  For those of you who love to laugh, check out this parody of “The Bachelorette!”  


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