SEX on “The Bachelorette?!” NEVER!


Suzanne Coleman

Now that Nick is back on “The Bachelorette,” and is generating a lot of controversy, I was searching around to learn more about him.  I remembered that he had mentioned that he and “his” bachelorette, Andi, had had sex while on the show.  A lot of people found it distasteful that he had revealed that information.  I found this great blog post that he wrote about the whole thing.

You should all check it out, he seems like a great guy.  Of course, people can say anything and we can’t really tell for sure until we get to know someone what they are really like.  But I think this information is good to know, take a look and let me know what you think.

I also wanted to add that what Nick says about Andi just gives more evidence to the concern that “his” bachelorette Andi has some serious mental health issues.  She is very self-centered, overly dramatic, loves attention and seems to take no responsibility for her own actions.  She loves to push the blame for her negative actions onto others.  Those are all signs of someone with a personality disorder, like histrionic, narcissistic, or others.  Andi would likely benefit from some counseling, she’s smart and she might be able to grow if she decides that she wants to become a better person.

I think it’s good that Nick didn’t get stuck in a nasty relationship with someone like Andi.  She’s beautiful, on the outside, but she certainly isn’t worth it.  I wish good luck to Nick, and to Andi’s ex-fiancé Josh Murray.


  1. regina buckwalter says:

    Kaitlyn is another Andi clone. Nick is too mature for these self centered woman and needs to get off the bitch brigade. He tends to create safety for these immature narcissistic to experience depth , love and their vulnerability and it is too scary for them. They can only allow this for a short time, therefore , they will pick the dim, dull jocks who will bully them, and they ultimately drop them. As they need to be in control and really can’t be intimate. Same cycle starts again. Nick is an incredible man, not the stereotype we all think is manly. he has maturity and dimension; one classy guy who deserves so much better than either of these two man/woman females.


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